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Jeu de filles Late to School Hairstyles Mobile

ajouté le 05 Sep 2017 Joué 261 fois 1 Joueur, Adresse avec la souris, HTML5, Mobile, Écran tactile

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Description du jeu:

Oh no, no, no! It’s the first day of school and Jenny… well, she’s running just a bit late! Her hair is all messed up, she still needs to decide on her outfit and she surely wants to arrive there in time ‘cause she has to catch up with her colleagues as well. She needs your helping hand to prepare, so feel free to join her in getting the ‘Late To School Hairstyles’ game for girls started! Giver her hair a quick professional wash by using a delicate shampoo and a nourishing hair mask to make sure her hair locks will have a natural glow and a really nice look. Next, choose a nicely braided hairstyle for Jenny to wear on her very first day back to school. For each of those braided hairstyles, you will be given a bunch of instructions that you need to follow one by one in order to come up with a really cute updo. Great job, girls! Accessorize it with cute bows and glittering hair pins for a girly-girl look. Have a great time playing the ‘Late To School Hairstyles’ game for girls!

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Late to School Hairstyles Mobile
Late to School Hairstyles Mobile
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